I always wanted to find treasure, especially pirate treasure, when I was young. My favorite movies at the time were Treasure Island and Kidnapped.
I remember that one morning when I was in third grade, I created a treasure adventure for myself. Without telling anyone, I went to our backyard with a shovel and dug many holes around our big oak tree. I was looking for a pirates' treasure chest, and I was sure they had buried one under our tree.
Of course, I never stopped to think that we lived 700 miles from the ocean--hardly a distance that pirates would have traveled overland. So I never found a treasure. But I had fun looking (and filling in the holes later when my parents found out)!
Here are some of the treasure stories I have written. They are taken from my book How to Hunt Buried Treasure.
The Lost Treasure of the Bighorn River
The Missing Treasure of Clifford, Colorado